
Thank you for taking an interest in The Wrap Trouser Co.

What are wrap trousers?

A type of apparel that are actually closer to a panelled sarong than it is trousers. It can be styled into not only 'trousers' but in fact a multitude of other garments, labelling it a 'multi-wear' garm. They are adjustable to fit a multitude of sizes, and can be tightened or loosened at the straps. They are worn by both men and women, and seen all over the world; originating in Thailand, but found most popularly in Asian and European countries. They were at their height of popularity back in the 80s-90s - but I am keen to get these back in fashion as they deserve the spotlight for their incredible versatility.

About the Biz

Thewraptrousercompany was started in April 2021 by me, Carla. I came across this garment back in 2015 in a beautiful bespoke shop in Eastbourne, Sussex of all places. From then on I was in love with this wrap around design, and knew that one day I would want to do something with this concept, whether it be sell them, make them for friends or just promote their existence - because I'd never seen anything like them before. They are certainly niche and quite difficult to find (at least anywhere in the UK, that is) which is why I was so keen to sell these amazing Thai garments.

They're commonly known as and based off of Thai fisherman's pants. They have a different name wherever you go, most commonly being 'Wrap Pants' so I decided I wanted to call the business 'The Wrap Trouser Company' being a Brit and all! (We call pants knickers FYI... OR is that TMI?)

The reason why I love these garments is because I guess I don't fit the 'normal' body type... I have a smaller waist, a big bum, and one big set of thighs! Jeans don't fit, skirts never fit, I have long yet chunky legs! Anyone else with this elite combination of pear shaped parts will understand the pain of trying to find trousers, skirts, jeans and leggings that fit around the right parts. It's always too tight on the legs and too loose at the hips, or they come up too short at the ankle. These trousers just work to your body shape because of the wrap around adjustable straps! They are so flattering for many body shapes and types.

I want to develop this concept of multi-fit, wrap around and adjustable fashion for everyone. So I would love if you could support me at this very crucial beginning in order to develop some ideas into something more than just trousers... 

About me

From concept to business, I never knew how to get started. I never felt inspired or confident about starting up my own business. The thought of start up, costs and learning an entirely new way of working scared me!

However, this lockdown has been a real eye opener for me into the ecommerce industry. I did my research and realise it wasn't impossible, as I once thought. The pandemic that shall not be named allowed me to not have money worries - thanks to furlough; and also have the time to be able to invest in something I wanted to do. I realise how incredibly lucky I have been.

So yeah, here we are! I have put a lot of research and work into starting this small business and just want everything to be perfect. I'm excited to see where this goes and hope you love these garments as much as I do! I am new to all of this, so if you have any feedback for me, please get in touch!