How to Wrap your Trousers

a step by step diagram showing how to put on a pair of the wrap trousers


The first few times you tie these wrap trousers they can be very confusing, but once you have done it a few times it does get easier! There are four strings used to tie them, two attached to each half of the trousers. Position one half of the trouser in front of your legs and wrap the two strings around your waist so they can be tied at your back, bring the trousers between your legs so the remaining half of the trousers are positioned at your back, wrap the last two strings around to the front of your waist and tie them.

You can wear them with the opening showing at your front or your back, to reverse the opening simply tie the back half of the trousers before the front half.

To see our how to wrap video, head to our Instagram page, and click the button at the top of our highlights labelled 'How to wrap':

 TheWrapTrouserCompany (@thewraptrouserco) • Instagram